things take time. 

things take time. 

I know this to be true, but living in an age of instant gratification makes it easy to forget sometimes. after an intense season of resistance, I always remember. 

babies take 9 months to develop in a woman’s womb and we don’t think anything of it. yet we don’t give our goals and desires that same uninterrupted time to develop. we know what we want and we expect it to happen instantly. and when things start to feel like they’re “taking too long” we become impatient and take matters into our own hands — usually impeding, prolonging, and delaying the process. if only we would just give it time…

I’m learning that life is much better when I don’t resist or try to play God. the concept of manifestation has created this notion that anytime we are faced with unpleasant circumstances we should just manifest our way out of them. but what if it’s those very same unpleasant circumstances that are molding us into who we need to be in order to attain and accomplish our goals? what if by using manifestation as an escape we are inhibiting our growth? why manifest on a faulty foundation? it’s only a matter of time before it crumbles and proves to be unsustainable, putting us back on the timeline we were on in the first place. if only we would just give it time.

isn’t it so ironic how by desperately trying to get ahead we put ourselves behind? why don’t we trust that patience can truly work in our favor? why do we arrogantly assume that taking matters into our own hands is the only way to get further along? aren’t we tired of the stop-and-go? and having to clean up the messes we’ve made along the way? if only we would just give it time. 

I know we get in a hurry because we want it so badly. we can taste it, vividly see it, feel it, etc. we want to know if we’re there yet. and when we constantly focus on how we’re not there yet we miss out on how cool the journey is. we’re not meant to live life dissociating until we’re at our desired destination. waiting isn’t punishment, it’s just part of the process. 

if we truly believe our success is inevitable and things will work out for us then isn’t it worth the wait? we wouldn’t want uncooked food, so allow your blessings to marinate. ✨




seeds, success, & self-worth.